Is it possible for a smartphone to suggest when to recharge ?
When people get home after office or say after classes, it’s possible forgetting to recharge the phone. And you know these days, how much power a smartphone requires. In most of the cases, smartphones runs a day when it’s fully charged. If you regularly use internet (wifi/cellular), then the lifetime becomes fewer than that. What you need to do, recharge every night before you go to bed.
The point is, sometimes we forget to put the phone on charge. “we” means the lazy ones (mmm, technically “on demand” :p ). If there exists a “smart” system in the phone that can help the user by requesting to recharge in a smart way, that would be too good. Well, it’s easy. Make an application using system service, which runs in background, checks the battery level, when it’s below 20% (or a threshold level) it’ll make an alarm. Or check the wifi location, when it’s connected to home wifi, it means you are home, so throw an alarm. But, wait a bit, are those truly smart ? When the battery level is low, people may not be at a place to connect the charger. Or the home wifi can be connected while people are at stairs, and when they enter home, they may forget again. Ok, so, start alarm five minutes after reaching home. Lol, s/he could be taking shower by that time and won’t hear the alarm.
Can we make the system a bit more smarter? Well, there are challenges. The first important thing is to find out the most convenient time to recharge the phone. It can be the time, when you come home and put the phone on your desk where there is a charger. It can be the time when you sit on sofa at night and there is a socket right beside you where you previously charged the phone. Or even when you are going to bed, you turned the light off, but forgot to charge your phone, it will adorably tell you to recharge it (like that little girl, asking to sing a lullaby for her with a voice “recharge me, pleeeeeease” ).
Collecting the gyro sensor data, data from accelerometer, using those data to train a system which will understand when the phone is being put on a desk, when the person is going to sit on the sofa, when the user is playing a game, or even predicting when the phone is going to lay still for several hours (bed time). Then connecting this activities with the times when people are at home or going to bed would result a more smarter system. The only evilest thing here is that these processes will add more load to the battery 😀 But we can start training the system, then fine tuning them, that will require less processing once it’s finished.
So, is it possible ? Expecting this type of system on your phone, would it be too much dramatic !!
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