For quite a long period of time, I thought our body is a engine, which only converts the brain signals into some series of actions. But recently I have realized that this conversion cycle can be biased with a simple trick.
This trick works really well with me. I will try to explain it with few pictures
Basically, the body takes some brain signals and generates some actions. for example if we want to walk, then it signals the muscles to be active, which then makes our foot to step front. There are two types of sources that can generate brain signal – your future desire, your current mode.
Both of these sources are kind of automatic. Your future desires are generated on your own, with the discussions you conduct with your surroundings, with the people you meet, your family and friends shape your desires. When that desires trigger brain to signal something, the body takes it and perform accordingly. If the actions bring good results, it makes you happy and thus you feel in good mood.
However, there is a very important thing. Human can bias their mood. Human can deliberately think that they are in good mood. Since your instantaneous mode, contributes contributes a lot to your brain, it can be used to bypass the regular mind-body conversion process. You think that you feel good then after few moments you will start feeling more better. This is the hack.
Do you know what you do when you feel happy ? If not, that’s ok. Let me help you finding few. Some people make smile when they are happy, some people celebrate when they are happy, they make jokes, they travel, they eat good recipe, they talk to other people, help new people. These are all very common symbol of our current happiness. I’m quite sure that you have something more to find about yourself.
Now that you have at least some behavior that you do when you are happy, can you deliberately do any of them when you are not happy? I think this is the challenge. The happiest people automatically do these actions even though they aren’t “happy”. Since they are doing it subconsciously, their mind always think that something good is happening and thus they remain happy always 🙂
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