: আসসালামু আলাইকুম
: ওয়ালাইকুম আস সালাম, কেমন আছেন ?
: আলহামদুলিল্লাহ ভাল। তোমার কি খবর ?
: খবর ভালই। সারাদিন ধরে ভেরেণ্ডা ভাজলাম। এখন সেটা দিয়ে কি করব ভাবতেছি।
: টেস্ট কেমন হইছে ? ভাল হইলে বাসায় নিয়ে এসো
: হাহা
: কি, আসতেছ?
: নাহ, ভেরেণ্ডা এতই মজা হইছে যে নিজেই সব খেয়ে ফেলছি। আমি আবার খুব ভাল রান্না পারি, জানেনই তো।
: ইয়েস, এটাই বলবা ভাবছিলাম।
: মানে, এতই ভাল রান্না পারি যে, কাউকে দাওয়াত দেবার দুঃসাহস হয়নাই এখনও :p
: হুম জানলাম, কাল কি রান্না করবা ?
: কালকে তো অফিস খোলা, দুপুরে আমার জন্য স্পেশাল রান্না আছে। CEO কে বলে রেখেছিলাম, বোয়াল মাছের ঝোল, আর করল্লা ভাজি। সাথে ডাল, আর ডিমভর্তা।
: Guest হিসাবে যাওয়া যাবে? করল্লা খুব প্রিয় খাবার কিনা।
: অবশ্যই যাওয়া যাবে। চলে আসেন কালকে।
: আইটেম গুলা ঠিক থাকবে তো ?
: বাবুর্চি কে বলে রাখব, যাতে করে একজনের জন্য বেশী বাজার করে রাখে।
: CEO কে বললে ভাল হতো মনে হয়
: হুম। এক কাজ করলে কেমন হয়, ভাইয়া কে CEO পোস্টে দাড় করিয়ে দেই :p ভাইয়া‘র জন্য তো এসব দুই আঙ্গুলের ব্যাপার। এক আঙ্গুল দিয়ে অফিস চালাবে, আর আরেক আঙ্গুল দিয়ে করল্লা ভাজি করতে ইশারা করবে 😀 😀 ব্যাস, ভাইয়াও খুশী, আমরাও মনে করেন পেটপুরে কিছু খেতে পারব 🙂
: ভেবে দেখি, তবে প্রস্তাবটি খারাপ না
: Ok, Deal!
: হুম তাইলে একদিন আসো চানাচুর মাখা খাইতে খাইতে আলাপ করা যাবে
: আচ্ছা, চলে আসব 🙂
ভেরেণ্ডা ভাজি
by Md Imran Hasan HiraValue of fruits
by Md Imran Hasan HiraIn my country, there is a tradition to buy fruits while seeing patients in Hospital. It became a custom and I am seeing it since my childhood.
One thing that triggered me always, why fruits? Why not regular rice / bread ? Why not cash money ? Why not vitamin/protien bar ? And I can not find any convincing answer. So I came up with a hypothesis. This note is about a stupid hypothesis.
I think People express love to their closest people. And there are several way to express love. You can express in words, like saying “Hey, I really like you” . Or it can be a little bit less in words but more in action. An example could be, working with the things that your beloved ones like. You take care of them and hence express your love via something else. That something else, could be buying a diamond ring, or it could be just saying hello every morning, it could be planning to be together for fifty years. It could be helping them in different times, being with them.
Whatever way people express their love, it becomes a tradition and whenever other people on the society sees these ways, it impact their thoughts as well. And the next time a different person thinks about showing love, they think of it. Then they also tries to do similar thing, thinking of something that is definitely different that normal, something special.
Now, the question what can be something special ? I think while human were living in the jungle, they came to know about fruits. And fruits takes longer time to get. You can not just row a seed and get a fruit immediately, at least not as of today. You gotta wait till the plants grow bigger, wait till the flowers came, pollination happens, a green fruits appears. Then wait till it ripe and you can finally pick it with joy. This waiting time makes the fruit collection more special.
Historically, the more you crave for a certain thing, the more association you make with, the more important it becomes in your life. So, that’s how fruit became a symbol of something very important. And you buy it whenever you feel like showing something special for someone in hospital.
P.S. Scientific fact: Fruit contains a lot of vitamin, minerals and fiber which are in general good for health. But these nutritions are also met by vegetables in a similar manner if not more. Fruit just got the benefit of “craving till it grows” effect. It’s very sad that, in our society, a bunch of spinach doesn’t look good as a present as much of a pack of grapes.
Summer Party and Satisfaction Function
by Md Imran Hasan HiraIt was one fine evening of June. It’s the evening for summer party. The company arranges these type of events every year, so that the employees get the opportunity of knowing each other, extend their networks and have more comfortable work environment. It’s Summer Party……yeeeeee. Everybody already left office to join the party, except two morons.
: Hey, why are you still in the office ? It’s 6:00pm already!
: I am working on something.
: Hmm, are you not going to the party ?
: Nah, I like working.
: I saw you made some commits at very early morning. And you are still here, this late. How long do you work normally ?
: Just like this. Basically, I like to work.
: Well, working is good. There is nothing to blame. I used to be workaholic too.
: What happened then ?
: Nothing much, I am still workaholic :p
: Work is fun 🙂
: Yeah, of course. However, my satisfaction function changed a bit from time to time.
: What is a satisfaction function?
: The function that drives my feeling of happiness.
: How does it work?
: Basically I updated the function. Previously, when I found out that I am missing something, I used to be unhappy.
: Ok.
: But, then I added an extra step. Whenever, I found something that I didn’t achieve, I ask myself – “Do I want that?”, if the answer is “No”, then I don’t need to be unhappy. If the answer is Yes, then I ask the same question – “Do I really want it?”.
: Interesting.
: Yeah, if the answer to the second question is again “No”, which means I don’t necessarily want that, then I’m good with my happy state. But, if the answer is again “Yes”, I ask myself the last question – “What can I do to achieve that?” . That’s how I drive my happiness function from scattered thinking to a methodological way of work steps 🙂
: That’s a nice way of thinking.
: It actually finds the sweet balance between what I can achieve and what I want to achieve. I’m not sure if it will work for everyone, but for me it is working 🙂
: ah, there is nothing wrong in trying. I might want to apply that too. Thanks for sharing.
: You are welcome. I gotta run, enjoy your work and the weekend.
: You too, enjoy the party as well.