"We human being, always find a solution, maybe not today, but if you really want to solve a problem, there’s always a way" – Ma Yun @ Stanford, 2013
Category Archives: Technology

OSXFuse to support NTFS File system on MAC

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

(This post is a concise version from How to Write to NTFS Drives on a Mac)


1. Install OSXFuse from here

2. Hit these commands

xcode-select –install
brew install homebrew/fuse/ntfs-3g

3. Reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting

csrutil disable

4. Once you have, reboot your Mac normally.

sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.original
sudo ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs

5. Lastly, re-enable System Integrity Protection. Reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting to enter recovery mode. Launch a terminal in recovery mode and run the following command

csrutil enable


Undo your changes

1. First disable System Integrity Protection. To do that, reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting. It will boot with recovery mode. Launch a terminal in that mode and run the following command

csrutil disable

2. After you do, run the following commands:

sudo rm /sbin/mount_ntfs
sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs.original /sbin/mount_ntfs
brew uninstall ntfs-3g

3. Re enable System Integrity Protection. Reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting to enter recovery mode. Launch a terminal in recovery mode and run the following command

csrutil enable

Smartphone recharging assistant

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

Is it possible for a smartphone to suggest when to recharge ?

When people get home after office or say after classes, it’s possible forgetting to recharge the phone. And you know these days, how much power a smartphone requires. In most of the cases, smartphones runs a day when it’s fully charged. If you regularly use internet (wifi/cellular), then the lifetime becomes fewer than that. What you need to do, recharge every night before you go to bed.

The point is, sometimes we forget to put the phone on charge. “we” means the lazy ones (mmm, technically “on demand” :p ).  If there exists a “smart” system in the phone that can help the user by requesting to recharge in a smart way, that would be too good. Well, it’s easy. Make an application using system service, which runs in background, checks the battery level, when it’s below 20% (or a threshold level) it’ll make an alarm. Or check the wifi location, when it’s connected to home wifi, it means you are home, so throw an alarm. But, wait a bit, are those truly smart ? When the battery level is low, people may not be at a place to connect the charger. Or the home wifi can be connected while people are at stairs, and when they enter home, they may forget again. Ok, so, start alarm five minutes after reaching home. Lol, s/he could be taking shower by that time and won’t hear the alarm.

Can we make the system a bit more smarter? Well, there are challenges. The first important thing is to find out the most convenient time to recharge the phone. It can be the time, when you come home and put the phone on your desk where there is a charger. It can be the time when you sit on sofa at night and there is a socket right beside you where you previously charged the phone. Or even when you are going to bed, you turned the light off, but forgot to charge your phone, it will adorably tell you to recharge it (like that little girl, asking to sing a lullaby for her with a voice “recharge me, pleeeeeease” ).

Collecting the gyro sensor data, data from accelerometer, using those data to train a system which will understand when the phone is being put on a desk, when the person is going to sit on the sofa, when the user is playing a game, or even predicting when the phone is going to lay still for several hours (bed time). Then connecting this activities with the times when people are at home or going to bed would result a more smarter system. The only evilest thing here is that these processes will add more load to the battery 😀 But we can start training the system, then fine tuning them, that will require less processing once it’s finished.

So, is it possible ? Expecting this type of system on your phone, would it be too much dramatic !!

Power of SCRUM

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

Few months ago I heard about SCRUM. It’s an iterative and incremental agile software development methodology for managing product development. In our office, we got four Certified SCRUM Master. I have been fortunate enough to have such kind of open environment in my current workplace. It’s not about how many of them we have, I am saying about the practices that we try to follow. Those CSM’s have already been started to implement SCRUM in their teams. They are doing great. They also gave a half day briefing to us about SCRUM processes, it’s roles, dos and donts etc.

Since then my team was continuously trying to implement SCRUM in our team. But we failed to incorporate upto the standards, rather what we got, is actually called ScrumBut by definition. We don’t mind. We are trying and we will get success. At least we know about the ScrumBut effect. Despite of all these, what amuses me most are –

1. Scrum  doesn’t support Micro Management! – It’s a myth. It’s not true. Scrum highly emphasize on Micro Management. Please continue to read the rest of this paragraph. One need to manage herself at micro level to get the best out of her. It’s kind of human nature. Scrum facilitates this. Scrum says all the micro management will solely be kept inside the team. This micro management data can not be visible to anyone outside of the team, even not to the Product Owner. Otherwise the idea behind self-micro-motivation will be failed.

2. Who will play the scrum cards ? And when ?

3. Our storypoint calibrations are not converging! What to do ?

4. Can we say “Difficulty Level” instead of story point ?



Wait, I’ll keep you guys updated later. I got the idea just now, I though to write something about it so I can remember it later. I promise, I’ll come back with the rest of my thoughts.

What is Class Loader ?

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

NFC vs Bluetooth

by Md Imran Hasan Hira (from konasl)