It was one fine evening of June. It’s the evening for summer party. The company arranges these type of events every year, so that the employees get the opportunity of knowing each other, extend their networks and have more comfortable work environment. It’s Summer Party……yeeeeee. Everybody already left office to join the party, except two morons.
: Hey, why are you still in the office ? It’s 6:00pm already!
: I am working on something.
: Hmm, are you not going to the party ?
: Nah, I like working.
: I saw you made some commits at very early morning. And you are still here, this late. How long do you work normally ?
: Just like this. Basically, I like to work.
: Well, working is good. There is nothing to blame. I used to be workaholic too.
: What happened then ?
: Nothing much, I am still workaholic :p
: Work is fun 🙂
: Yeah, of course. However, my satisfaction function changed a bit from time to time.
: What is a satisfaction function?
: The function that drives my feeling of happiness.
: How does it work?
: Basically I updated the function. Previously, when I found out that I am missing something, I used to be unhappy.
: Ok.
: But, then I added an extra step. Whenever, I found something that I didn’t achieve, I ask myself – “Do I want that?”, if the answer is “No”, then I don’t need to be unhappy. If the answer is Yes, then I ask the same question – “Do I really want it?”.
: Interesting.
: Yeah, if the answer to the second question is again “No”, which means I don’t necessarily want that, then I’m good with my happy state. But, if the answer is again “Yes”, I ask myself the last question – “What can I do to achieve that?” . That’s how I drive my happiness function from scattered thinking to a methodological way of work steps 🙂
: That’s a nice way of thinking.
: It actually finds the sweet balance between what I can achieve and what I want to achieve. I’m not sure if it will work for everyone, but for me it is working 🙂
: ah, there is nothing wrong in trying. I might want to apply that too. Thanks for sharing.
: You are welcome. I gotta run, enjoy your work and the weekend.
: You too, enjoy the party as well.