"We human being, always find a solution, maybe not today, but if you really want to solve a problem, there’s always a way" – Ma Yun @ Stanford, 2013

Satisfaction! And the Unsatisfied Mind!

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

Satisfaction, it’s a thing that some people always want, but never happy with it. Only few people are happy with whatever they have. And it’s one of the challenging task in the world to remain happy. People think like they need to do something, or achieve something, and when they reach that achievement, they think of something else. This continuous change of need creates a flow of work in people’s life and that’s how human growth happens.

The people, who are never happy, I call them “Unsatisfied mind”. These minds always look for happiness. And whenever they are in that state, they kind of have a feeling “nope, something is wrong, may be I’m not pushing myself enough”. It’s the stability that makes them worried. It’s the calmness that disturbs them.

There was a guy called Abraham Maslow and he has a theory, called as Malsow’s hierarchy of needs. It presents that a person has certain kinds of need and those needs can be grouped together in several levels. A person jumps to higher level of needs only after they satisfy one level of needs. Now, the “Unsatisfied person” that I’m talking about, they don’t follow Maslow’s need theory. They actually starts from the top. So basically they either don’t have any need or they have satisfied all need. In either way, they create some kind of extra needs even if they are on the top level. And that keeps themselves running for future days.

Finally, being happy is good when you want to rest, and being unhappy is good if you want to push yourself. Actually it comes the other way around. People restlessly push themselves 🙂

Mind Body – The essential feedback loop

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

For quite a long period of time, I thought our body is a engine, which only converts the brain signals into some series of actions. But recently I have realized that this conversion cycle can be biased with a simple trick.

This trick works really well with me. I will try to explain it with few pictures

Basically, the body takes some brain signals and generates some actions. for example if we want to walk, then it signals the muscles to be active, which then makes our foot to step front. There are two types of sources that can generate brain signal – your future desire, your current mode.

Both of these sources are kind of automatic. Your future desires are generated on your own, with the discussions you conduct with your surroundings, with the people you meet, your family and friends shape your desires. When that desires trigger brain to signal something, the body takes it and perform accordingly. If the actions bring good results, it makes you happy and thus you feel in good mood.

However, there is a very important thing. Human can bias their mood. Human can deliberately think that they are in good mood. Since your instantaneous  mode, contributes contributes a lot to your brain, it can be used to bypass the regular mind-body conversion process. You think that you feel good then after few moments you will start feeling more better. This is the hack.


Do you know what you do when you feel happy ? If not, that’s ok. Let me help you finding few. Some people make smile when they are happy, some people celebrate when they are happy, they make jokes, they travel, they eat good recipe, they talk to other people, help new people. These are all very common symbol of our current happiness. I’m quite sure that you have something more to find about yourself.

Now that you have at least some behavior that you do when you are happy, can you deliberately do any of them when you are not happy? I think this is the challenge. The happiest people automatically do these actions even though they aren’t “happy”. Since they are doing it subconsciously, their mind always think that something good is happening and thus they remain happy always 🙂

Collective bus service – Dillemma between Waste and Comfort

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

In Netherlands I see a lot of buses running nearly empty at mid night. Then I got this question in my mind, why? Why, why, like why ? Why do you even run this huge bus with capacity of 150 passengers, just empty?

Then I realized it’s not just about the bus running cost, it’s about the comfort of the citizen in case of their need. I think there is a very interesting concept grew in European people’s mind. I gave it a name – Collective Effort.

Let’s consider it also from operation cost. Running a bus for an hour at midnight costs x amount of money. Now, if a person need to commute at night, he might be needing a taxi if there is not public transport. And if five people are there at night in this similar need, the cost of running individual taxies are higher than running a bus. There comes the collective benefit.

There is another example. There is a insurance concept “Liability insurance”. If you participate, you pay ~2€ per month. And if there is any damage to your house or car due to wind, or other cars accidentally bumped upon your cars, you get reimbursed of the repair. So, 2€ per month is not a big deal, but it’s definitely a big help in case of accidents. The interesting part is, accident doesn’t happen often and if it happens people get benefit from the collective effort.

While I travel in the weekends in public transport, I see sometimes that cars are stuck at road, while the lane for public bus are wide open. That gives me a respect to the people that they care for public service. They grew this culture of collective thinking into their society. I hope, one day public transport in my Country will also be better than this 🙂

People in Netherlands pay high tax and also high price as commuting cost. And part of these money is used to maintain the transport companies running their service at midnight. The number of people traveling at night definitely not super high. But if people can benefit from little expense monthly, then why not?

Trusted Confidence – A preface to Scientific Method for engineers

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

There are so many times, I wanted to do something and then end up not doing it. Or even worse, messed up completely, going lost without any trace of what I was doing.

Let me tell you a story. I went to visit one of my known person in a different city. A few other countrymen also joined. We had talks, lots of food, laughter. It was an interesting get together. At the end, we were watching football match. The host brought a watermelon. I was so delighted to see watermelon, though in my deep stomach, I was full. I saw that the host was afraid to take the knife to cut it. I realized that the fear is not on cutting the watermelon, but it’s on the knife. So I went to the kitchen side to help a bit. I took the knife, cut the watermelon into half, and then into several small pieces, like in this picture –


You know, I like the watermelon to eat this way. Biting on crunchy melons is a heavenly thing. Well, I eat it like this, because the place I spent my childhood, we used to eat it this way. But here goes the problem. I saw later, that the host was trying hard to bite on the pieces, and kind of mixing the juices with dress. So I asked what had happened and the host replied it’s inconvenient. Then I took the knife again and cut the remaining slices into pieces in a way that the host was surprised. There was an awe from her – “It’s that easy!”. Well, I’m not a magician. The simple thing I did, was something like below –


The only reason of myself being an expert(!) in kitchen stuffs was that she didn’t watch this way before, and I had read an article about it around an year ago. I knew there was an way to cut it in better shape with ease. Though I couldn’t apply it in first hand, but when I saw her problem, the solution instantly hit my head. It might be possible that she already knew, but was surprised to give me a good feeling. In either case, get to know the solution beforehand is interesting.

As an engineer, I have to solve a lot of problems in daily basis. I work as a Software Developer. I see many people around me solving puzzles. They are mostly technical, work related. At the same time, these engineers solve their day to day life issues. But the main problem I see while doing these stuffs is to hit the problem on the right way.

The best way to solve any problem till so far is the “Scientific Method”. You might have already heard about it. Those who didn’t, it sounds like an obvious one, right? The method that scientists follow :p That’s correct. And those who are already familiar with it, you know it’s a simple one. It’s the process of trial and error. You have a list of hypothesis. You take one, try to prove or disprove it, then if it fails, try the next hypothesis. It’s that simple. It has been the most established way. People who are good at solving problems, are actually very fast in this process. They have had done so many trials that they can tell you the solution to many problems without even trying. Because they know it already.

The hardest part here is to come up with hypothesis. Once you have a hypothesis, though I know its not very easy to test a hypothesis, but sometimes coming up with a hypothesis may seem to be much harder than trying it once you have the hypothesis. I think there are two parts that helps engineers to come up with hypothesis, specially when the problem is really of new type.

First step, the engineer need to have a believe that there is a solution to this problem. He needs to convince himself that it’s possible to solve this puzzle. I call it the Trust part. And then next step, the engineer needs to persuade his mind, that the solution, which is there somewhere hidden, can be found by him. This thing ,I call the Confidence part. Together of these two, the Trusted Confidence helps engineers to get to an hypothesis, that they can try and proceed. And as the hypothesis comes before trying any method, I call this Trusted Confidence, as the preface of any Scientific Method. Unless any engineer fails to do so, will end up wasting time in loops.

The application of these terms are not limited to engineers only. Any people who are using Scientific Methods to feed their need, can also be benefitted by both the Trust and Confidence part. Focusing on these two, helps people to reveal the niddle like hypothesis from haywire. Because finding things in haywire isn’t that easy. Finding objects in dark, when you can not see things, when your sensors are not giving you signals, it’s very hard to move to the target. All you need is the trust that yeah, it’s somewhere there. You keep searching, and eventually you will find it.

Though there is one challenge I find for this Trusted Confidence. It is possible that you kept searching throughout the whole day and at the end of the day you realized that it’s wrong dark room that you were in. It partially conflicts with the first part of Trusted Confidence, but I think there must be a way to avoid this case. It’s like the common problem of how often you should look back. I hope to give some thought on this, later. Any comments on this is also appreciated.

Five word romantic novels

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

Putting some random thoughts on five word romantic novels. They go as  –

* Time passed, she became lady.
* That umbrella! You still have.
* First road, we started walking.
* Bought some roses, never delivered. (inspired from “kids shoes, never worn” )
* Campus, Adieu, Intercontinent, Facebook. Then ?
* knock knock .. .. She opens door.
* You still wear that shirt!
* Ha ha, you are funny.
* Told you, she misses you.
* Hey, what is love ? Donno.
* It looks amazing! Love it!
* Who’s there ? No one, dad.
* Those eyes! Can stare forever.
* Hello, can you give Ilsa?


She likes it!

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

She likes the thoughts you shared
She likes the things you cared,
She likes the colors you paired
She likes all those you dared.

She is not rude, She thinks you as dude.
She likes sea food, She is in a good mood.

She jumps into the pool,
She is so damn cool.
She is the one you call dear,
She listens all those you hear.

She travels places, where you’ve gone
She does exactly, what you’ve done.
Has she gone already mad?
Boy, you are a dumb-ass lad.

Wonder? what happened to her ?
Remember! It was a good weather.
OMG? what happened after ?
Stupid! You both were all together.


বিঃ দ্রঃ এই ছড়ার প্রথম দুই লাইন চিন্তা করতে করতে আজকে ঘুম থেকে উঠেছি, তাই এটার নাম দিলাম “স্বপ্নে পাওয়া ছড়া”। ভাবছি Aqua – Barbie Girl এর মত এটারও একটা মিউজিক ভিডিও বানিয়ে ফেলব।

We just can not let it go, and yet we need to go more further

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

আমার মনে হয় মুক্তিযুদ্ধের শিক্ষাটা আমাদেরকে একটু ভিন্নভাবে দেওয়া হয়। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের ইতিহাস হিসেবে আমাদের স্কুল পর্যায়ের পাঠ্যবইয়ে সব সময়ই কিছু না কিছু থাকে। এই ব্যাপারটা খুবই ভাল। কিন্তু মাঝে মাঝে ইতিহাসের অংশ হিসেবে কে বা কারা এইটা করেছিল সেটা নিয়ে একটু মাতামাতি করা হয়। আমার মনে হয়, তার বদলে, ইতিহাসের মুল বক্তব্য হিসেবে, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের কারণ এবং সেখান থেকে আমাদের উন্নয়নের পথগুলো থাকা উচিত। 

এই নিয়ে চিন্তা করতে গিয়ে, দুইটা ব্যাপার আমার কাছে খুবই গুরুত্বপুর্ন মনে হয়েছে
১। আমরা যে এত বড় একটা যুদ্ধে জয়ী হয়েছি, এইটা জাতি হিসেবে আমাদের প্রত্যয়কে তুলে ধরে, এই আত্মবিশ্বাসটা ছোটদের মাঝে ছোটবেলায়ই দিয়ে দিতে হবে। প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ের বইগুলোতে এই ব্যাপারটা কিভাবে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা যায়, সেটা নিয়ে বিস্তারিত চিন্তা করা যেতে পারে।
২। সাথে সাথে আমাদের ক্ষয়ক্ষতির পরিমাণ আর ব্যপকভাবে বিশ্লেষণ করা উচিত। ৩০ লক্ষ শহীদ হারানোর ক্ষত থেকে উঠে আসতে আমাদের কিরকম সময় লাগবে সেটার একটা লক্ষ্য দিয়ে দিতে পারলে ভাল হয়। অথবা অন্ততপক্ষে কেন আমাদের উঠে দাঁড়াতে এত সময় লাগছে, কোন পেশায় আমরা কতজন শ্রমিকবুদ্ধিজীবীদের হারিয়েছি, দেশ এগিয়ে নিয়ে যেতে হলে আমাদের যে সেটা পূরণ করতে হবে এইটা মাথায় ঢুকিয়ে দিতে হবে।

এত কষ্ট করে অর্জন করা স্বাধীনতা নিয়ে আমরা কাউকে খেলা করতে দিতে পারিনা। দেশ হিসেবে, কিছু কিছু ক্ষেত্রে পাশের দেশগুলোর তুলনায় আমরা এর মধ্যে অনেক দ্রুতগতিতে আগাচ্ছি। অন্যান্য দিকগুলোতেও আগানোর অংশ হিসেবে, সবার আগে আমাদের পরবর্তী প্রজন্মের মাঝে এই চিন্তাভাবনা গুলো পৌঁছে দেওয়াটাই সবচেয়ে দরকারি বিষয় এখন।


by Md Imran Hasan Hira
বাংলা ছায়াছবি’র নামগুলোতে ‘নাস্তা’ বসিয়ে নিয়ে মজা করার চেষ্টা –
  •  এ নাস্তা তোমার আমার (এ রাত তোমার আমার),
  • নাস্তা ছাড়া বাচবোনা (তোমাকে ছাড়া বাচবোনা),
  • হারানো নাস্তা (হারানো সুর),
  • মনের মত নাস্তা (মনের মত বউ),
  • নাস্তা খেয়ে পরিচয় (গান গেয়ে পরিচয়),
  • টোস্ট একটি নাস্তার নাম (তিতাস একটি নদীর নাম),
  • নাস্তা নিয়ে খেলা (মন নিয়ে খেলা),
  • নাস্তা এখন প্লেটে (গোলাপি এখন ট্রেনে),
  • নাস্তা তুমি কার (সখী তুমি কার),
  • নাস্তা দে (ভাত দে)
  • নাস্তা নাই (ক্ষমা নাই),
  • সেদিন নাস্তা ছিল (সেদিন বৃষ্টি ছিল),
  • ট্রে ভরা নাস্তা (বুক ভরা ভালবাসা),
  • নাস্তার জন্য পাগল (তোমার জন্য পাগল),
  • নিশ্বাসে নাস্তা বিশ্বাসে নাস্তা (নিঃশ্বাসে তুমি বিঃশ্বাসে তুমি),
  • ছোট্ট একটু নাস্তা (ছোট্ট একটু ভালবাসা),
  • কোটি টাকার নাস্তা  (কোটি টাকার কাবিন),
  • রানী কুঠির বাকি নাস্তা (রানী কুঠির বাকি ইতিহাস) ,
  • এ চোখে শুধু নাস্তা ( এ চোখে শুধুই প্রেম),
  • নাস্তা যেখানে হৃদয় সেখানে (মন যেখানে হৃদয় সেখানে),
  • কথা দাও নাস্তা দিবে (কথা দাও সাথী হবে)
আর একটা কথা, নাস্তা নিয়ে স্বয়ং আগুণ ও গেয়ে গেছেন 
আমার নাস্তাগুলো কেন এমন নাস্তা হয়,
এ মনটা কেন বারে বারে ভেঙ্গে যায়।
প্লেটের নুডুলসগুলো কেন এত কম করে হয়,
টোস্টের স্মৃতিগুলো প্রতিরাতে আমাকে কাঁদায়,
না না না না না, না আ আ আ না না না না,
না, না না না আ আ না না।

OSXFuse to support NTFS File system on MAC

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

(This post is a concise version from How to Write to NTFS Drives on a Mac)


1. Install OSXFuse from here

2. Hit these commands

xcode-select –install
brew install homebrew/fuse/ntfs-3g

3. Reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting

csrutil disable

4. Once you have, reboot your Mac normally.

sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.original
sudo ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs

5. Lastly, re-enable System Integrity Protection. Reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting to enter recovery mode. Launch a terminal in recovery mode and run the following command

csrutil enable


Undo your changes

1. First disable System Integrity Protection. To do that, reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting. It will boot with recovery mode. Launch a terminal in that mode and run the following command

csrutil disable

2. After you do, run the following commands:

sudo rm /sbin/mount_ntfs
sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs.original /sbin/mount_ntfs
brew uninstall ntfs-3g

3. Re enable System Integrity Protection. Reboot your Mac and hold Command+R while it’s booting to enter recovery mode. Launch a terminal in recovery mode and run the following command

csrutil enable

Smartphone recharging assistant

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

Is it possible for a smartphone to suggest when to recharge ?

When people get home after office or say after classes, it’s possible forgetting to recharge the phone. And you know these days, how much power a smartphone requires. In most of the cases, smartphones runs a day when it’s fully charged. If you regularly use internet (wifi/cellular), then the lifetime becomes fewer than that. What you need to do, recharge every night before you go to bed.

The point is, sometimes we forget to put the phone on charge. “we” means the lazy ones (mmm, technically “on demand” :p ).  If there exists a “smart” system in the phone that can help the user by requesting to recharge in a smart way, that would be too good. Well, it’s easy. Make an application using system service, which runs in background, checks the battery level, when it’s below 20% (or a threshold level) it’ll make an alarm. Or check the wifi location, when it’s connected to home wifi, it means you are home, so throw an alarm. But, wait a bit, are those truly smart ? When the battery level is low, people may not be at a place to connect the charger. Or the home wifi can be connected while people are at stairs, and when they enter home, they may forget again. Ok, so, start alarm five minutes after reaching home. Lol, s/he could be taking shower by that time and won’t hear the alarm.

Can we make the system a bit more smarter? Well, there are challenges. The first important thing is to find out the most convenient time to recharge the phone. It can be the time, when you come home and put the phone on your desk where there is a charger. It can be the time when you sit on sofa at night and there is a socket right beside you where you previously charged the phone. Or even when you are going to bed, you turned the light off, but forgot to charge your phone, it will adorably tell you to recharge it (like that little girl, asking to sing a lullaby for her with a voice “recharge me, pleeeeeease” ).

Collecting the gyro sensor data, data from accelerometer, using those data to train a system which will understand when the phone is being put on a desk, when the person is going to sit on the sofa, when the user is playing a game, or even predicting when the phone is going to lay still for several hours (bed time). Then connecting this activities with the times when people are at home or going to bed would result a more smarter system. The only evilest thing here is that these processes will add more load to the battery 😀 But we can start training the system, then fine tuning them, that will require less processing once it’s finished.

So, is it possible ? Expecting this type of system on your phone, would it be too much dramatic !!

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