"We human being, always find a solution, maybe not today, but if you really want to solve a problem, there’s always a way" – Ma Yun @ Stanford, 2013
Tag Archives: Thoughts

Trusted Confidence – A preface to Scientific Method for engineers

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

There are so many times, I wanted to do something and then end up not doing it. Or even worse, messed up completely, going lost without any trace of what I was doing.

Let me tell you a story. I went to visit one of my known person in a different city. A few other countrymen also joined. We had talks, lots of food, laughter. It was an interesting get together. At the end, we were watching football match. The host brought a watermelon. I was so delighted to see watermelon, though in my deep stomach, I was full. I saw that the host was afraid to take the knife to cut it. I realized that the fear is not on cutting the watermelon, but it’s on the knife. So I went to the kitchen side to help a bit. I took the knife, cut the watermelon into half, and then into several small pieces, like in this picture –


You know, I like the watermelon to eat this way. Biting on crunchy melons is a heavenly thing. Well, I eat it like this, because the place I spent my childhood, we used to eat it this way. But here goes the problem. I saw later, that the host was trying hard to bite on the pieces, and kind of mixing the juices with dress. So I asked what had happened and the host replied it’s inconvenient. Then I took the knife again and cut the remaining slices into pieces in a way that the host was surprised. There was an awe from her – “It’s that easy!”. Well, I’m not a magician. The simple thing I did, was something like below –


The only reason of myself being an expert(!) in kitchen stuffs was that she didn’t watch this way before, and I had read an article about it around an year ago. I knew there was an way to cut it in better shape with ease. Though I couldn’t apply it in first hand, but when I saw her problem, the solution instantly hit my head. It might be possible that she already knew, but was surprised to give me a good feeling. In either case, get to know the solution beforehand is interesting.

As an engineer, I have to solve a lot of problems in daily basis. I work as a Software Developer. I see many people around me solving puzzles. They are mostly technical, work related. At the same time, these engineers solve their day to day life issues. But the main problem I see while doing these stuffs is to hit the problem on the right way.

The best way to solve any problem till so far is the “Scientific Method”. You might have already heard about it. Those who didn’t, it sounds like an obvious one, right? The method that scientists follow :p That’s correct. And those who are already familiar with it, you know it’s a simple one. It’s the process of trial and error. You have a list of hypothesis. You take one, try to prove or disprove it, then if it fails, try the next hypothesis. It’s that simple. It has been the most established way. People who are good at solving problems, are actually very fast in this process. They have had done so many trials that they can tell you the solution to many problems without even trying. Because they know it already.

The hardest part here is to come up with hypothesis. Once you have a hypothesis, though I know its not very easy to test a hypothesis, but sometimes coming up with a hypothesis may seem to be much harder than trying it once you have the hypothesis. I think there are two parts that helps engineers to come up with hypothesis, specially when the problem is really of new type.

First step, the engineer need to have a believe that there is a solution to this problem. He needs to convince himself that it’s possible to solve this puzzle. I call it the Trust part. And then next step, the engineer needs to persuade his mind, that the solution, which is there somewhere hidden, can be found by him. This thing ,I call the Confidence part. Together of these two, the Trusted Confidence helps engineers to get to an hypothesis, that they can try and proceed. And as the hypothesis comes before trying any method, I call this Trusted Confidence, as the preface of any Scientific Method. Unless any engineer fails to do so, will end up wasting time in loops.

The application of these terms are not limited to engineers only. Any people who are using Scientific Methods to feed their need, can also be benefitted by both the Trust and Confidence part. Focusing on these two, helps people to reveal the niddle like hypothesis from haywire. Because finding things in haywire isn’t that easy. Finding objects in dark, when you can not see things, when your sensors are not giving you signals, it’s very hard to move to the target. All you need is the trust that yeah, it’s somewhere there. You keep searching, and eventually you will find it.

Though there is one challenge I find for this Trusted Confidence. It is possible that you kept searching throughout the whole day and at the end of the day you realized that it’s wrong dark room that you were in. It partially conflicts with the first part of Trusted Confidence, but I think there must be a way to avoid this case. It’s like the common problem of how often you should look back. I hope to give some thought on this, later. Any comments on this is also appreciated.

We just can not let it go, and yet we need to go more further

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

আমার মনে হয় মুক্তিযুদ্ধের শিক্ষাটা আমাদেরকে একটু ভিন্নভাবে দেওয়া হয়। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের ইতিহাস হিসেবে আমাদের স্কুল পর্যায়ের পাঠ্যবইয়ে সব সময়ই কিছু না কিছু থাকে। এই ব্যাপারটা খুবই ভাল। কিন্তু মাঝে মাঝে ইতিহাসের অংশ হিসেবে কে বা কারা এইটা করেছিল সেটা নিয়ে একটু মাতামাতি করা হয়। আমার মনে হয়, তার বদলে, ইতিহাসের মুল বক্তব্য হিসেবে, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের কারণ এবং সেখান থেকে আমাদের উন্নয়নের পথগুলো থাকা উচিত। 

এই নিয়ে চিন্তা করতে গিয়ে, দুইটা ব্যাপার আমার কাছে খুবই গুরুত্বপুর্ন মনে হয়েছে
১। আমরা যে এত বড় একটা যুদ্ধে জয়ী হয়েছি, এইটা জাতি হিসেবে আমাদের প্রত্যয়কে তুলে ধরে, এই আত্মবিশ্বাসটা ছোটদের মাঝে ছোটবেলায়ই দিয়ে দিতে হবে। প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ের বইগুলোতে এই ব্যাপারটা কিভাবে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা যায়, সেটা নিয়ে বিস্তারিত চিন্তা করা যেতে পারে।
২। সাথে সাথে আমাদের ক্ষয়ক্ষতির পরিমাণ আর ব্যপকভাবে বিশ্লেষণ করা উচিত। ৩০ লক্ষ শহীদ হারানোর ক্ষত থেকে উঠে আসতে আমাদের কিরকম সময় লাগবে সেটার একটা লক্ষ্য দিয়ে দিতে পারলে ভাল হয়। অথবা অন্ততপক্ষে কেন আমাদের উঠে দাঁড়াতে এত সময় লাগছে, কোন পেশায় আমরা কতজন শ্রমিকবুদ্ধিজীবীদের হারিয়েছি, দেশ এগিয়ে নিয়ে যেতে হলে আমাদের যে সেটা পূরণ করতে হবে এইটা মাথায় ঢুকিয়ে দিতে হবে।

এত কষ্ট করে অর্জন করা স্বাধীনতা নিয়ে আমরা কাউকে খেলা করতে দিতে পারিনা। দেশ হিসেবে, কিছু কিছু ক্ষেত্রে পাশের দেশগুলোর তুলনায় আমরা এর মধ্যে অনেক দ্রুতগতিতে আগাচ্ছি। অন্যান্য দিকগুলোতেও আগানোর অংশ হিসেবে, সবার আগে আমাদের পরবর্তী প্রজন্মের মাঝে এই চিন্তাভাবনা গুলো পৌঁছে দেওয়াটাই সবচেয়ে দরকারি বিষয় এখন।

What do you see?

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

When I was a kid, I had always this question, how a movie Director work? What kind of quality they have so that other people let them be directed? I don’t know the answer, but I have some assumptions. I think they understand the whole pattern of sequences. And they can relate characters expressions to those sequences. They have something in their head that tells them if every bits and pitches on the screen are as expected or not. They can see how the people looks like, how their structures, there skeletons. They understand the pattern that this boy or girl will be perfect for the character for his next movie when put in a certain angle.

How does a Mathematician works ? To answer that question, we need to find what math is ? To me, it’s a certain calculation procedure. All the equations we studied in high school, they all represents some sort of calculation. Our fellow ancestor humans found them while working with different things. People found calculating mass of a certain thing help them to trade. Calculating surface area helps them to find out how pain it is needed for a wall. There are a lot of these silly example. I think the most important thing here is to find out a specific case where calculations are needed. Then trying to find out a new formula or enhance an existing one for that calculation. I think that’s where mathematicians are good at.

Now how about artists? I was always overwhelmed by artists. Whenever I look at peoples faces, all I can see is face. Well, obviously that’s a face, but when I try to draw it in paper, I draw a circle for the face, and then some few smaller circles to represent the eyes and another hole for the mouth. But that’s limit for my stupid drawing skill. On the other hand, when an artist get to draw a face, he knows how does a face look like. He remembers all the details that a face has, how much curve do the eyebrows have, the relative distance and directions between the eyepetals, should he draw the eyeline first or later so that he can draw the eyeball borders, how much shade is there under the nose, how much smile is on the leap, and that little dimple, or even all details about it’s gloominess or enchantments. He see all these things, border by border, layer by layer.

Music composers, they feel the vibration of the tunes. They think about the chords, ups and downs of the beats. They know which sequence produces a soothing feeling and which one makes grieve, which one makes joyful feelings. They try with lots of variation on their head and come up with a several pose, try them and finally we get a nice composition.

Poets, They see the nature, they can describe to the deep details which you may have never thought of. It’s just not about nature, it can be any thing, city, human body, event. They basically describe. And to describe you need to see all those little peaks. Putting into words are easy when you get the skill of seeing details.

Magicians see where people wouldn’t see and use that as a illusion. Good magic always looks like an surprise. They remain surprised until they reveal the magic. Sometime even remain thundered after revealing that how could they miss the trick! Sometimes magicians even invent new technology as part of their magic. It’s magicians job to find out scenarios where people will not look over, finding out the blind spots.

Team Leads who works as a people manager, see how the fellow colleagues work, what is blocking them, what are they missing. What could be the possible problem that they are stuck at, did they already identified the problem, are they willing to hear it from a second mouth, would it better to directly suggest the solution or asking the right question to trigger so that the peer finds the problem themselves. That’s how team leads see.

Politicians, they see the trend in people’s need. Good politicians understands what people wants, understands what opponents might be doing, they make relations with other politicians to get the benefit. Investors see the ups ans downs of people need. The need that can be filled up by the product that will be there in future.

As a human, it’s one our greatest skills that we can see. We see different things. If you are reading this line, I give you a special thank, you’ve survived all above stupid words. Enough garbage talks, let me pose the final question, what do you actually see ?

What if you are a high school teacher ?

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

Sometimes I think of being a high school teacher. I think about how I would share them good morals along with their class materials.

When I was in primary school, we had a subject named চারুকারু. In that subject we had to make some real life materials. Most of the times we had made something from clay. Sometimes we made different fruit (apple, Mango, Jackfruit). I remember once we were asked to make wooden swords (for the boys) and palm-leaf made hand coolers (for the girls). Those days were interesting. I learned a lot of things like how to make a soil paste, how to collect the right soil from right place, most importantly how to visualize the shape in memory and put curves to the molded soil accordingly.

However when I was in high school, we had no subject like this. There was another subject named শারীরিক শিক্ষা, where we were taught how to take different exercises, we learned about different indoor and outdoor games. It was also very exciting to get those ideas. But the thing I would like to share that we needed something like planning. I mean something that can help the student to think about the society. To improve the territory and develop the social skills to upgrade to a more better condition. The students currently studying in the high school, will be the future placeholders of different positions of a country. To continue the world advancement, to contribute to those development, these students need to be nurtured accordingly.

I would like to add some sort of thinking tasks to the syllabus of one of those high school subjects. These topics can be introduced as a class test (for 15 – 20 marks) of the corresponding subject. Here I suggest some sample topics which I would like to use as a assignment for the high school students.

  1. Design a tri-joint road
  2. Design a tetra joint road
  3. Draw a sample of a bridge parallel like hatirjhil
  4. Mark different items of a hospital and plan the hospital area
  5. Design a high school campus
  6. Analysis and comparison of personal transport / public transport / emergency transport of a mega city
  7. Mr. Present is going to deliver a speech  at your school. Plan a security force to avoid any unwanted attack.
  8. Arrange a football /cricket world cup tournament of 50 teams
  9. Plan an annual picnic of class with 50 student
  10. Plan relief distribution for flood affected people of a village
  11. Plan a one day long teachers training on a certain topic
  12. Describe marketing procedure of a new refrigerator to districts
  13. Plan how to clean a bad person from society
  14. Plan a chain shop
  15. Budget plan of setting a high school chemistry labratory

What if you are a mayor?

by Md Imran Hasan Hira

Let’s say you are a mayor of a city. You have the power to change anything. An extremely critical situation has occurred in your city. You are very worried. You have two options to choose and you decided to chose one. Before going to announce it publicly you saw on the television that some people(around 10%) from your city are protesting against the decision you are going to tell them. It is given that majority of your population do not bother with your decision.

The question is how do you measure the correctness of your decision at this point?

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